Saturday, December 29, 2007




Friday, November 9, 2007


Hello everyone,

The boys are doing great at home we are settling in to a nice routine. They had to put Jackson on a diet as he is eating to much , guess he has that right after all the tummy problems he has had. Connor has start to smile alot and laugh in his sleep . Jackson is close to smiling he gets his arms and legs flying around and the bright eyed look. They are sleep better than we could have hoped for Connor will go down form 11.30pm till about 8.00am . And Jackson wakes about 6.00am for a feed suprise suprise ,than goes back down till about 9.00am. Mommy is doing very good, getting enough sleep . Gets out of the house a couple of times a week to keep her mind intacted. She is handing things as they come she is a marvel to me she is a true super MOM, l am very proud of her . As soon as one of the boys wakes or crys she snaps into action. l will update l little more often now that we a in the zone.

Thanks for everyones Support

Wednesday, October 24, 2007








Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Signing off

I am going to be signing off on this Blog now that the boys are home. Dace and Rhonda will be updating it will pictures and milestones for Connor and Jackson. This has been such a big part of my life for the past 4 1/2 months. I would like to thank everyone for the support that they have given to Dace, Rhonda, Connor and Jackson. I believe that your prayers and well wishes have helped to make this miracle. We are going to be printing off and binding this Blog as a keepsake for Dace, Rhonda and the boys. We are hoping that everyone will leave a message through a comment , the guestbook or e mail me directly. These will all be included in the Boys memory book.
Thank you again so much for your interest, concern , and powerful wishes and prayers.

Aunt Tanya :o)

my e mail .....
Jackson is settling in well and seems to be enjoying the laid back lifestyle at home with Mommy, Daddy, Connor and Brady. I went to visit the other night and I have to say that Jackson looked like he has always been a part of that home. He seems so content and settled at home.

I am so proud to call these little guys my nephews and I couldn't be happier for Dace and Rhonda. I am sure that Mom would be so happy and proud and I am sure she was watching over both boys in the NICU. They are truly a real life Miracle and I am blessed to be a part of their lives. I am so excited for what the future will bring with play dates and sleepovers between our kids Dace.

Dace is going to post some pictures of both boys at home later this week. Be sure to look for them.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Well Jackson is not coming home Friday but will be joining his brother on Saturday instead. Jackson had his Circumcision done on Thursday and had a bit of bleeding so the Dr's decided that one more day in the ICU would be a good idea. '

I forgot to mention previously that Jackson will be coming home on oxygen so The house has now been set up with a big oxygen tank and a couple of small portable ones for outings and such. It's hoped that he will not need this extra help for long . Prayers for a smooth homecoming would be great :o)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Finally it has come. Friday Jackson will be coming home. Let the fun begin. Look out Brady and Connor because the BIG guy is about to claim his spot in the house.
I will be sure to have Daddy post some pictures of Jackson's home coming. It has been such a long road and finally Dace and Rhonda's NICU days are over. What a great reward for all the long days and nights spent up there. Time to focus on fun as you enjoy your sons at home with you.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Connor is still being an angel and not giving Mommy or Daddy any trouble. Brady seems so much more mature now that there is a baby in the house. He is really being a good boy/ I got him a bone for the baby shower so he wouldn't feel left out. Keep being a good big brother Brady.

Jackson is one step closer to coming home he has moved to the big boy nursery and is likely goign to be coming home some day next week!!!!!

I will update more as news becomes available :o)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Update on the Baxter boys....

Connor is doing great at home with his big brother Brady, Mommy and Daddy, he is getting everything all worked out for when Jackson comes home. By then he should have all the kinks out and it will be smooth sailing to ad Jackson to the mix. Brady is a very good big brother and is always concerned if Connor starts to cough and spit up....Keep up the good work Brady :O)

Jackson came down with cold last week and needed a bit of help with some oxygen. This could have been a big set back with his feedins but Jackson did not skip a beat. He loves his bottle and wouldn't miss it for anything. Mommy was telling me that they expect Jackson should be home in the next couple of weeks if he keeps up the good work. Lets say some prayers to bring Jackson home. :o)

Today Ronda's friend Angie had a wonderful baby shower for Rhonda and the boys. It was such a great shower with lots of great food and fun games . These boys are going to have so much fun trying out all the wonderful gifts that were given to them.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Connor is settling in very well and Mommy and Daddy are getting some sleep. Mommy was telling me that she hopes Jackson settles just as well, but we all know that to have both boys sleeping 6 hours at night is gonna take a miracle..... but then again these little guess are prone to miracles.

Jackson is still growing and eating and is on 3 bottle feedings a day. he loves his bottle and cries when it is done. He will be up to full (tube ) feeds this week and the next step is to give him more bottles and hope he can handle it all without getting to tired out!! prayers for Jackson to keep up the good work he has been doing already... :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Mommy and Daddy brought Connor home today!!! This is a great day for them all. Let the fun begin!!! It is going to take a while for everyone to adjust to this new lifestyle but the biggest hope is that Connor settles quickly before Jackson comes home and blows the door off the place!!!

It is bittersweet to celebrate bringing Connor home while Jackson stays in the NICU but truly Jackson is not far behind at all, especially considering all the surgeries the little guy has had. He is loving his bottle and loves to eat. I am guessing that Jackson will be home within 10 days....

Hugs and special prayers for you all as you start to enjoy what being a parent is like..... Have fun this time will pass so fast. :O)

Love you all xoxoxo Aunt Tanya



Friday, September 14, 2007

It looks like Connor will be home snug as a bug in his very own big boy crib with Mommy, Daddy and big bro Brady by Monday !!! Mommy and Connor have enjoyed the last few nights of Care by Parent getting to know each other in a whole new way!! Daddy has been at home putting the final touches on the house and making sure all the bedding, blankets and baby clothing are good to go.
Jackson has been taking a bottle and is very good at sucking it back like a pro. It won't be long before he is running out the NICU doors after Connor. There will be no Care by parent for Jackson . Once he is on full feedings by bottle it is off to home he goes.

I am so excited for Dace, Rhonda, Brady and all of us. !!! This is such a wonderful story of love life and miracles.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Connor and Mommy are going to Care by parent.... TONIGHT!!! WOW now things are really happening. This is so exciting. It will only be a matter of a week before he is at home with Mommy Daddy and big bro Brady. Jackson will not be far behind if he keeps up the good work he is doing!. Prayers for the busy family.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

UPDATE UPDATE read all about it.......

Jackson had a POOP YAY!!! This means that things are hopefully working in the right direction. This little guy has not pooped in at least 1 1/2 months. Lets get started and get this little guy eating.
Connor is now taking FULL feeds and is getting closer to care by Parent each day.....

Connor weighs 9 lbs 1 oz and Jackson weighs 9 lbs 5 oz !!! These boys are heading onto the home stretch....

These are great big milestones for both boys lets keep those prayers coming and hope for some more gains.

Everyone loves you both so much :o) xoxoxo

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update !!!!

"Reunited and it feels so Good " Do you remember that song?. Well that's how Jackson and Connor feel they moved Jackson back to the front side room with his Brother . They have also taken Jackson off Oxygen and he is handling it well so far . So we are just waiting for him to recover from his tummy surgery . l am getting things ready around the house for the boys, l am having a high end air purifier with UV lamp put on the furnace this will help with the quality of air in the home. As well has having the ducts and carpets cleaned.

Talk to you all soon,

Daddy Dace
P.S That has a nice ring to it don't ya think ;)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Jackson is recovering quickly from his bowel surgery and sometime next week they hope to give him another trial of Mommy milk. Mommy got to spend some cuddle time with Jackson the other day. It was a much needed reward for both of them.

Mommy and daddy were informed by the NICU nurses that they are pretty much just babysitting Connor at this point. He is still being tube fed for some feedings but Mommy can always coax him to finish his bottle. Care by Parent will be his next venture and then after about 2 weeks there He will be home.

Daddy hasn't seen the boys much this week he caught a cold that is going around and is getting better. To pass the time he put the boys cribs together with the newly finished flooring. He just wants to be extra cautious with the boys. A cold for you or I is no biggy but both these boys will have chronic lung problems for the first couple of years until there lung development catches up with the rest of them.

Lets just say that play dates and shopping trips will not be a frequent thing for a while.

Keep up the prayers :O)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Big Brother Brady practicing with cousin Noah :))

Jackson came through with flying colours. Good Job big boy!!The recovery from the eye surgery is very easy and likely Jackson will not even know he had anything done. Now he just needs to completely recover from the bowel surgery and move on to eating like his little bro Connor. This is the home stretch BOYS!!!! Lets bring them home with prayers , well wishes and good thoughts!!!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007













Friday, August 31, 2007

Jackson came through the surgery okay. The same part of the bowel that had the narrowing before was narrow again so the Dr. cut a small piece out and everything looks good. He is back in the big NICU room for now until he is off the ventilator that they put in for surgery.

While Jackson was havig surgery Connor got to do something special with Mommy and Daddy, Connor went outside for a walk in a stroller like a big boy. He really seemed to enjoy the fresh air and settled down for a nap quickly.

Keep those prayers coming for Jackson. :o)

Thank you to everyone who is sending well wishes and positive prayers and thoughts for the Baxter family. :o)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well Big boy Connor had his scope of his throat and everything was fine. They are going to treat him for reflux and try a different bottle nipple for him. This should make his feedings much easier. Connor is now OFF all his oxygen and because he is not attached to anything anymore he needed to be given one of the ankle bracelets so that no one can take him off the 3rd floor without alarms sounding. (sorry Dad no more dreams of putting him under your shirt and running away from the NICU)

Jackson is scheduled to have his bowel surgery on Friday. I should have an update Friday evening. If Jackson recovers well from his bowel surgery he will be having laser eye surgery to correct his retina and that is scheduled for Wednesday Sept. 5th. The laser surgery is not invasive but because of Jackson's age he will need to be put under using anesthetic, it is only about a 15 minute surgery. This little guy is such a fighter.
please keep this special little guy in your prayers .

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today Big boy Jackson sat in a vibrating chair and loved it. He is a nosey boy so this allowed him to check the whole room out . He also made an amazing discovery today. Jackson found his hands. He is pretty pleased with himself. ( so are Mom and Dad) When I said Big Boy I meant BIG BOY Jackson now weighs 8lbs 4 oz !!!!! :o) I can't believe how big he has gotten. Way to grow buddy!

Connor continues to hang out , it seems almost as though he is waiting for Jackson to catch up with the eating. I think Connor likes to be the center of attention in the NICU with his legendary big boy FARTS!! He has no problems passing those along.
Next week Connor is going to be seen by an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to make sure that everything is in good condition. The NICU nurses suspect he may have a bit of acid reflux and that is maybe making eating with a bottle a bit difficult.
Connor is now weighing in at 7lbs5 oz!!!! what a big boy he is.Tomorow is his turn to try out the vibrating baby chair. Have fun Connor :o)

Thursday, August 23, 2007


WOW three whole months old. They have come so far in the last 3 months , These boys are truly miracles. I imagine them as 25 year old men some day telling their friends about their start in life. What a great story of perseverance, strength and pure love it will be.

I don't have much of an update.
The surgeon has spoken to Rhonda and Dace and has suggested that perhaps by the end of next week Jackson will have his surgery. This is stressful to Mommy and Daddy because they just want to get on with things and have Jackson eating and getting ready to come home.( they will not try him on feedings until 10 days after his surgery)
Connor is eating his bottle * sometimes* He likes it best when Mommy cuddles and feeds him. I can't say I blame him for that. Mommy and Daddy continue to enjoy bathtime with both boys . Connor gets a full blown tubby time bath and Jackson gets a sponge bath.

Dace and Rhonda are starting to get things ready at home for the boys homecoming. New flooring, new carpet, new baby furniture. When it is all done. I will be sure to get Daddy to post some pics.

I would like to personally thank all the people who are checking in daily and praying for these two special babies. Keep the prayers coming and please post comments in the guest book. Once the boys come home I would like to have this blog printed for a keepsake for them to have. I will be printing all the posts and comments and the guestbook.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Small update for all of those who are in the Connor Jackson fan club. :o)

Jackson has an infection and is now on antibiotics to clear it up. They have sent some of his blood away for a culture to see what kind of infection it is. He is responding quickly to the antibiotics so hopefully this does not cause his surgery to be delayed too many days . A consult with the surgeon doing the surgery will be on Monday. More updates about his surgery date then. Keep those special prayers coming for this special little guy.

Connor is doing great with his feedings , its almost as though he knows Mom and Dad are worried about Jackson so he decided to get over his bottle aversion and get busy. He is being such a good boy. He loves to be bathed and snuggled before bed by Mommy and Daddy.

Monday, August 13, 2007

These two boys made my day. :o)

Today I went up to visit and I finally got to hold Connor. They have grown and changed so much since my last visit. I am such a proud Aunt.

Connor is back to his bottle feedings and is learning each day. He now weighs 6 lbs 4 oz. Keep up the good work. "King of the Pond" (Connors NICU nick name)

Jackson is scheduled to have his surgery on Monday the 20th. He is weighing in at 6 lbs 15 oz.
Jackson is quite the cuddle bug and loves to be held by Mommy and Daddy and even gets a midnight cuddle from one of his special NICU nurses. Jackson's NICU nickname is King of the Jungle :o)

Both boys are starting to outgrow their preemie clothes. :o)

I am so excited to have been able to hold Connor today It made my day to see them both. I can't believe how much they change and grow, It really is a miracle to see how far they both have come.
I am so thankful to the Nurses of the NICU they are loving my nephews 24/7 and making such a huge difference in the lives of all the people who love Jackson and Connor. I can't thank them enough for all that they do.

"So that is what Aunt Tanya looks like "
Connor was so wide awake and curious when I got there to visit today.
As soon as he was in Moms arm his little peepers closed tight,
Until we started to talk about Jackson then he would reach his little arm out to say
" hey don't forget to talk about me too" :o)

Jackson all settled back into his bed after a nice long cuddle with Mommy. What a sound sleeper he is. :o)

Connor is showing us his soother. He sucks on it while he is getting his tube feeding. As soon as he was done eating he wanted nothing to do with the soother. What a noisy little guy he was . The whole time I was there he was snorting and making all kinds of noises. Mommy says he even burps and farts like a big boy. I guess we should assume that trait comes from Daddy.

Jackson having a cuddle with Mommy
He looks so deep in thought with his hand held near his chin.
He has the cutest curl on the top of his head, I tried to get it but it looks like I missed it.
Jackson was not too interested in looking at Aunt Tanya but he did peek out at Mommy while I was there. As soon as I looked he would close his little peepers again. :o)

" Ahh so this is what it feels like to be held by Aunt Tanya"
Yep thats right I am holding Connor in this picture and I must say. I was so happy I was busting . I am so in love with these little guys and to finally get to hold Connor was such a great feeling. He seemed ok with it too and was showing of those beautiful fingers for me. :o)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Jackson weighs 6lbs 8 oz
Connor weighs 6 lbs

Connor is back on his feedings and is getting better at it each day.Mommy and Daddy are persisting with encouraging him to keep learning to suck, swallow, and breath.

Jackson had Upper GI Contrast study and it has shown a blockage in his small bowel. He is going to have surgery in the next week or so to to correct it. The Dr. that did his previous surgery is away on holidays so we need to wait for that Dr. to be back. After the surgery it is another 10 day wait to try him on feedings again. One common saying in the NICU is one step forward two steps back. Poor little Jackson seems to be following this trend. Once his surgery is complete and he is able to tolerate feedings he will likely move quickly from tube feedings to bottle feeding since he already has the suck, breath thing down pat and will just need to learn to swallow. Jackson loves his soother :o)

Mommy, Daddy, Connor and Jackson could really use some prayers for a speedy recovery for little Jackson after this surgery. I will update more when we have a firm date for his surgery. :o)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Connor and Jackson are keeping Mommy and Daddy busy tonight with baths for both boys. Connor once again has pooped up his back, ( he is very good at spreading his poop around) Jackson had a poop yesterday but he tends to keep it together in his diaper. I wonder if this is going to be an indication of the kind of little kids these boys are going to be. I have to say Daces nickname for years was "mud ball" he used to eat rocks and dirt. Our Mom used to tell the story of her digging a handful of rocks out of Daces mouth as he screamed about her taking them away. He has been known to eat a worm or two also. :)
Jackson is still not on feeds he is going to be given another feed on Tuesday to see how he does. He continues to outgrow some of his newborn preemie sleepers.
Connor has decided he really is not crazy about the bottle and would prefer to just be fed through his feeding tube, so Mom and Dad are just waiting it out and trying to coax him back to bottle feedings.
Contrary to the feeding issues both boys are growing stronger and bigger everyday. Keep up the prayers for these little miracles. :o)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Small baby steps for Jackson , he is still not tolerating his feedings and they are waiting for his bowels to heal and for his tummy to be ready to take food again. What they do is feed him a small amount of breast milk through his feeding tube and then about 3 hours later they use the feeding tube to check and see if there is anything in his tummy. After 3 hours there should not be any food there because it should be digested and on its way into the bowels. Jackson's food is not digesting. He had an ultrasound today and from what Daddy told me Jackson just needs a little more time and then he will be eating like the champ he is. HE now weighs 5 lbs 13 oz and his swelling is down.
Connor continues to grow and eat and the Dr's say there is not much to say about him, He is just passing the time learning to perfect his eating, swallowing, breathing. He is doing great. HE now weighs 5lbs 3 oz.

Keep those prayers coming, Dace and Rhonda are really pulling through this for their sons , I can' t wait for he day when they say good bye to the NICU and hello to their new lives at home . :o)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cutie Connor

What a Cutie posing for a keeper pic.

Jackson on the plastic BOOB

Jackson going to town , wondering when something is gonna come from all this sucking.

Daddy,s First with the Big Boys

l am loving every bit of this l was ready to stand up and run out the joint with the both of them "Escape form NICU starring Jackson & Connor"

Mommy and the Boys

Mom's First Picture with the Boys. l don't know who is happier here the boys or Mommy

Friday, July 27, 2007

Connor and Jackson continue to grow....

Last night was Daddy's treat, he went up in time to feed Connor his bottle.Connor has really taken to bottle feeding and learning the rhythm of suck, swallow, breathe. What a smart guy he is:o) Connor weighs in at about 4lbs 13 oz.

Jackson is still not on complete feedings , but is instead on a continuous feed where he is given a tiny tiny bit of breast milk through the feeding tube over a long period of time. This is to help prepare his little tummy to accept breast milk.Even though he is not eating he is still growing and is even wearing some newborn sleepers. He weighs in at 5 lbs 14 oz. Way to Grow Jackson!!

Mommy and Daddy are really enjoying being able to just scoop the boys up out of their cots. It is so nice to be able to have a cuddle without needing a nurse to help get the baby out of bed. :o)

Lots of baby steps will soon bring these two special little guys home. :o) :o)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Jackson and Connor celebrated their 2 month birthday with Mommy and Daddy yesterday. Jackson had a nice long cuddle with Daddy and snuggled himself up under Daddy's chin. Connor celebrated by being fed his first ever bottle from Mommy. He figured it out pretty well and has been doing very well with it since then too. It is hard work fro a baby this small to learn how to eat, breath and swallow all at the same time. Keep up the good work Connor.

Jackson is still healing and getting ready to start his feedings . He will need to be on full ( feeding tube) feedings before they will introduce a bottle to him. However Jackson loves his soother and that is a good start to learning to bottle feed.

Keep growing boys, each day is one day closer to coming home . Everyone LOVES you so much..... :o) xoxoxo :o)

Friday, July 20, 2007


Jackson is doing great so far . he is on low flow air which is the same as his brother . He is also out of his isolate and in a Cot like his brother . Jackson is off all of the meds post surgery, he is peeing up a storm so he has lost most of his puffiness. They are hoping to start feeding in small amounts next week. Rhonda and I are very proud of him for being able to recover this soon after a tough surgery.
Good News tonight . Jackson has now joined Connor is the normal newborn bassinet. He really was too big for his other bed. And Both boys have now been moved to the "new" room. It is still in the NICU but is for less seriously premature little ones. Since they are both doing so well they do not need to be kept in the BIG room . There is only 4 other babies in the room they are in and Mommy and Daddy are enjoying being able to pick up and love their little/big guys as much as they want.

Daddy told me tonight that now that Connor is not in his isolet everyone knows when he poops. They can all smell him :o) Now we know for sure he is related to Dace ....hehehe.

Jackson is doing so well he is on the low flow ventilator and the nurses have told Daddy that he is obviously feeling much better since his surgery. Now to just get those feedings started. Looks like the middle of next week for that.

Keep up the growing Jackson and Connor.


Connor & Jackson have moved out of the big room at the NICU in to a smaller room near the door . This may not sound like much to all of you but this means they are taking a big step forward to coming home . All the nurses and Doctors says the closer you get to the door the closer you are to going home . Well it was the back room yesterday and the room next to the front door today. So ~~~GOOD NEWS~~~

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Connor tonight in his new bed !!!!!!!!!

Connor in his new bed easy access for Mommy & Daddy . He is getting extra kisses all we have to do is bend over and kiss away .

Jackson Day Before Surgery

Having a snooze with daddy :)

Jackson Day Before Surgery

Jackson all rested up the day before his surgery. Looking good , he is a little puffy now after his surgery but is peeing alot which will help him get back to normal. We are told by the Doctors that this is normal after surgery.

New Pictures Connor

This is Connor the day before Jackson's surgery it looks like he is making his first prayer. l wonder what he is praying for? l think l know!!!
Jackson continues to improve after his surgery and is holding his own..... He just needs to get past this and start catching up to Connor with his feedings ... Hurry up Jackson before Connor empties the freezer :o) I should add that Jackson now weighs over 5 lbs!!

Connor tips the scales at 4lbs 1 oz and because he is such a big healthy guy he has been moved into a regular newborn bassinet !!! These are reserved for babies over 4 lbs . The whole world is a brighter noisier place for Connor since moving . There is no plastic incubator to muffle the sounds and there is no cozy quilt covering the top of his bed anymore. So bright lights for this little guy. BEing in this bassinet allows Mommy and Daddy easy access to Connor. :o) Hopefully Jackson will be joining him soon.

Daddy has promised some pictures later tonight so look for them.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I just talked to Rhonda and Jackson came through his surgery great. There was a narrowing in a part of his bowel that was not related at all to his previous surgery . The Dr. cut out that portion of his bowel. He handled the surgery well and is recovering as I type. This little guy is a fighter. From here on out all he needs to do is just keep on growing at last weigh in he was just over 5 Lbs !!!!! Wow what a big guy and Connor is not far behind at almost 4 lbs!! I will update more as these guys continue to grow and thrive. Keep up the good work Mommy and Daddy.

Friday, July 13, 2007

YAY!! I finally got to go visit again..... Mommy was having a cuddle with Jackson when I got there. He is such a little chunker :o) and just oh so so cute. I touched his cheek and told him how much I loved him. Rhonda is such a natural Mother it looks like she has been holding babies forever.
Connor was napping when I got there but quickly made some funny adorable faces when he heard me telling him how good lookng he was. HE was trying to escape from his isolet by squriming over to the opening.
Both boys are wearing preemie jammies now and it seems that Jackson will be outgrowing them soon :0

Connor is still doing really well on his feedings and is just growing strong and steady. Keep up the good work Connor , Mommy and Daddy.
Jackson is still retaining some fluid and is having another bowel surgery at 8 am Monday morning. The surgery is to find out if he does in fact have a blockage or scar tissue in his bowel and this could be causing him to have trouble getting the pooper working well. Prayers are always welcome,

I am so proud to call these two beautiful boys my nephews. I can't believe that my Brother is a Daddy. I am proud of Dace and Rhonda for the amazing love they have created. They are going to have such a wonderful full life . I can't wait to be in on the fun Jackson and Connor are going to bring into every ones lives. :o)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New digs

Conner in his new outfit looks great. Plenty of room for filling them out. Connor says "double up on the milk mommy" . The tube in his mouth is for feeding its does not bother him , just looks it.

Connor's found a new toy

Conner found a new toy, his thumb he was sucking away on it last night when we got there . Yum Yum !!! Check his cute hat Mommy got him.

New Pictures

Jackson out growing his bed what will he do when he really gets on Mommy's milk. He will need some new living accommodations.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tonight Daddy was the lucky one He got to Kangaroo (skin to skin) with Jackson for the first time. :o) Jackson is over 4 lbs now!! What a big guy he is. Today Mommy informed me that Jackson has had 3 poops !!! Finally things seem to be moving in the right direction for his poor little pooper. Keep up the pooping Jackson :o)
Connor is doing great and tonight had a full bath in a bath tub and seemed to settle in to the water like he has been doing this forever, Either that or he was just being a good guy for his Mommy. Connor is pretty much breathing on his own. He is still eating like a champ and is trying his best to empty the freezer of Mommies milk.

Both boys seem to be thriving on the love and support they are getting from Mommy and Daddy. I am sure the prayers have been doing some great things too.

Pictures to follow of Jackson and Daddy cuddling tomorrow.

Keep up the growing boys. Love you :o)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Canada Day !!!!!

Hello Everyone ,
Mommy was up to see the boys on Sunday . She Snuggled with Connor for 2 hours and held Jackson for an hour aswell. They were taking it all in all 3 of them. Connor's feeds are going well and is now on the Aladdin which is a great step foward for him. They also took him off the Aladdin and put him on the nose prongs just giving him oxygen for a couple of hours they call this sprinting, this is one step away from going solo. Jackson is still feeding and all his numbers are good he is still a little puffy but they think this will correct itself with more feedings from Mommy . So Sunday was a very good day !!!!!!!

Mommy and Connor Quite time together

Snuggle Time!!!!!!

Bath time @ Baxter Camp

Connor after he Crapped up and down his back, this is his first full bath he does not seem to be liking it very much by the look he is give Mommy and the nurse. NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR HIM

Jackson in his Canada Day Bedding the hat must go though.

Looking a little puffy, But feeling good.

Connor on Sunday

Connor singing O' Canada, in his Canada Digs
Jackson and Connor are both doing well and Mommy and Daddy have taken a much deserved night off and gone to the cottage for the night. Have a great night Mommy and Daddy. Sleep tight Connor and Jackson. Enjoy your swim Brady.:o)

Friday, June 29, 2007


I am moving over the next 5-6 days so I will not likely be updating the blog unless there is something major to report. Keep up the prayers .Have a great long weekend . Happy 1st Canada Day Jackson and Connor :o)
Connor is continuing to increase his feedings and is now eating 12 ccs every 2 hours . The maximum for his weight is 15 ccs ... Eat up little guy there is plenty more where that came from.
Jackson is still not on feedings , they are monitoring his water retention with hopes that he will soon be able to start on his diet of Mommy's milk. You better hurry up Jackson or Connor is going to get bigger then you. :o)

Both boys had Ultrasounds on their brains to look for Brain Bleeds . This is common when babies are born this small. Both boys passed their tests with flying colours. Great job Jackson and Connor. I am one proud Aunt :o)

Here is Jackson looking a little bit puffy from retaining water, but still hes the cutest little 3+ pound guy I know. He looks like such a big boy in his new jammies. :o)

Here is Connor at about 1 month wearing Daddys wedding band.

As a comparison here is my son Noah at 1 month wearing his Dads wedding band.

Here is Connor wearing Jammies. What a cutie, His arm is out but he is feeling pretty snug wearing pj's :o)

Awww finally .. this is Daddy holding Connor. Connor settled right down for a nice little nap on Daddys chest. Congrats Daddy on cuddling with your baby burrito :o)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Connor is now back on his feedings . He is loving every bit of it.

Daddy and Mommy were surprised yesterday when they arrived to see both boys wearing jammies :o) The look so cute and of course Connor loves to be wearing jammies because he is that much more cozy.
Connor is also now on Big boy diapers. ( these are still smaller then newborn but bigger then the ones I posted a picture of when they were first born.)
Only Mommy and Daddy are visiting right now to keep the germs away from Connor and Jackson but also to keep those of us with little ones at home from bringing any germs home from the hospital.
All is well in Camp Baxter so lets keep up the prayers for these two little angels :o)

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Jackson and Connor are 1 month old today!! WOW seems like time has just flown by,i am sure Mom and Dad have a different take on that :o)

Jackson has graduated to big boy diapers and a big boy soother. :o) Yay!! Way to grow big boy.
Connor is starting feeds again slowly.

London Free Press Saturday June 23

London's only neonatal intensive care unit remained closed today after an outbreak of respiratory illness.
But a good scrubbing at the unit at St. Joseph's hospital has opened up room for any expectant mothers who show up on the doorstep about to give birth prematurely.
"If someone comes in unexpectedly, we will do our best," Dr. Henry Roukema, medical director of the unit, said yesterday.
The seven babies who tested positive for parainfluenza type 3 or respiratory syncytial virus -- or in some cases both -- are all doing better, he said.
"They are getting off the ventilators."
No other babies are showing signs of the lung infections.
Signs of an outbreak surfaced Monday, when two infants released from the unit needed more oxygen than before.
Those two babies and two more who had shared a room with them were tested. All four had viral respiratory illnesses.
All the 35 babies in the unit were tested and another three tested positive.
The infections are common in young children and the virus is making the rounds in London, Roukema said.
The infections do little harm to healthy young children, but can cause serious complications such as pneumonia in premature or unwell babies.
"We really want to make sure we contain it," Roukema said.
That means only parents or primary caregivers will be allowed to visit babies in the unit until the infections are under control, he said.
The infected infants are being kept apart from the others.
By doubling up the other infants and sanitizing some rooms, the hospital has created space for any new babies, Roukema said.
Hospital officials will assess the status of the unit day by day, he said.

Both boys are testing negative these viruses. :o)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Outbreak at NICU

Connor and Jackson do not have this virus. They were immunized (yesterday) against the virus that is going through the NICU here in Londons St. Joes NICU. The immunization is not 100% but should provide some pretection to the boys if they get this virus.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Way to grow Jackson and Connor . Mommy gave me the heads up today. Connor weighs 2 lbs 5 ounces and Jackson a whopping 3 lbs 9 ounces ,( part of Jacksons is water weight but they say he is likely around 3 lbs.) Way to Grow boys !!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good news to report tonight . Both Connor and Jackson are off the antibiotics. They have both been switched to the less invasive ventilator because they are breathing easier now that their little bodies are not fighting the infections any more.
Mommy continues to care for her little angels by changing diapers and swabbing their little mouths out. Yes even at this young age Mommy is taking care of the teeth to come :o)
The hope is that within the next few days the boys will be starting on their feedings again. Then we will just hopefully be adding up the ounces as they start to gain lots of weight. Both boys started off their lives with a weight that was more then most preemies born at 25 weeks, lets just stick to that trend and before you know it they will be eating Daddys supper. ;o)
I can't wait to hold them to show them my love but in the mean time I am showing my love with prayers and lots of happy grow strong thoughts for my 2 little Nephews . I am so proud to be Aunt Tanya to these special guys . :o)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


If you look to your right I have added a guestbook to the blog. It was Daces idea to get an idea of the peole who are checking in to this blog each day. Once the boys are home my intention is to have this whole blog printed off as a great keepsake for Dace, Rhonda , Connor and Jackson. Signing the guestbook is a great way to show you support . :o)
Again today there is no news to report. The boys are both still on antibiotics and they are going to try to start feeding Connor again later this week. Jackson is going to have an x ray of his bowels and intestines and once that is done they will see about starting his feedings again too. The boys both are getting the nutrients they need through IV right now but it will be great to get them back on to Mommys milk in their tummies. Mom continues to spend a large part of each day visiting with her two little miracles and Dad is a frequent visitor when he is not working. Connor and Jackson must be so comforted by hearing the voices of the people who love them. Keep up the prayers and happy thoughts.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Both boys are stable and still fighting the infection. The antibiotics take about 7- 10 days to clear up the infectin so they should start feeling better soon. When babies are this small it is hard for them to fight infections that is why they are both back on the venilators. It is good that they are both holding strong right now. Keep up the prayers :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There is really nothing new to post about. Both boys are stable and holding their own right now. We just have to wait for the antibiotics to do there thing.

Dace and I were talking about the number of people who check this blog instead of phoning and Dace was saying that they are so thankful for the thoughts and prayers they have been getting. And they appreciate not having to call a ton of people each day to give updates. They know that everyone is pulling for their family. :o)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The boys are having a bit of a hard time right now and some extra prayers and thoughts would be good.

Jackson is on antibiotics for a straph infectin and seems to be fighting it off ok, he will be having some testing done today to see if he has any narrowing of hisbowels or intestines, He is retaining some fluid and is swollen.

Connor is also fighting an infection and was started on antibiotics yesterday. He is back on the ventilartor so that he can use his energy to fight the infection instead of using his strength to breath.

Mom and Dad are thankful for all the support they have been getting.

I will post updates as soon as I get them , but it will likely be tomorrow before there is anything new to update with. Keep up the prayers for these two special boys.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

This is a picture of Connor on the Alladin machine that helps create positive presure to help him breath on his own. It looks pretty serious but in fact is a really great step for Connor. Keep up the good growning baby burrito :o)
First off both boys are now above their birth weight , and today for 1 1/2 hours Mommy was able to hold Connor in a Kangaroo hold, this means skin to skin. It is proven to be a very good bonding and strengthening experience for both parents and babies. This is a great big jump forward for Connor. :o) Jckson is still working on his breathing but hopefully soon he too will be doing th Kangaroo hold with Mom and Dad too.
I have a great update . I will post it later ..... stay tuned :o)

This is a picture of Daddys hand on Connor, It really gives an idea of how little he is next to Daddy.

This is Daddys hand on Jackson.

Jackson peeking out at the great big world around him . He sure seems curious about what is going on out here.

This is Jackson all curled up on his belly. Looking good big guy :o)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Connor is doing very well , they have upped the amount that he is eating and he is breathing on his own .... This is Great News!! Keep on eating and growing little baby burrito :o)

Jackson is still taking his time learning to tolerate Mommys milk. He is getting stronger each day. Keep on growing Little buddy :o)

Pictures to follow tomorrow as promised by Daddy....

These boys are such fighters it is amazing to see that they are growing and changing daily.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

All is quiet at the Baxter Camp today.... New pictures to come tomorrow. :o) Keep up those prayers ...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

All is quiet in the NICU today. Mommy and Daddy spent lots of time with Connor and Jackson today. The boys love to hear Mommy and Daddies voices .
I wanted to go visit them today to read them the new book I got for them. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I thought maybe I might be coming down with a cold. Visitors are not welcome if they even have a hint of anything ...... I am hoping that this passes so I can go share my love of reading with my nephews :o) I love the way that sounds :o)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So Content , So Loved , So Sleepy
" Is that you Mommy?"
" Ahhhh yes"
"I love you"