Friday, June 29, 2007


I am moving over the next 5-6 days so I will not likely be updating the blog unless there is something major to report. Keep up the prayers .Have a great long weekend . Happy 1st Canada Day Jackson and Connor :o)
Connor is continuing to increase his feedings and is now eating 12 ccs every 2 hours . The maximum for his weight is 15 ccs ... Eat up little guy there is plenty more where that came from.
Jackson is still not on feedings , they are monitoring his water retention with hopes that he will soon be able to start on his diet of Mommy's milk. You better hurry up Jackson or Connor is going to get bigger then you. :o)

Both boys had Ultrasounds on their brains to look for Brain Bleeds . This is common when babies are born this small. Both boys passed their tests with flying colours. Great job Jackson and Connor. I am one proud Aunt :o)

Here is Jackson looking a little bit puffy from retaining water, but still hes the cutest little 3+ pound guy I know. He looks like such a big boy in his new jammies. :o)

Here is Connor at about 1 month wearing Daddys wedding band.

As a comparison here is my son Noah at 1 month wearing his Dads wedding band.

Here is Connor wearing Jammies. What a cutie, His arm is out but he is feeling pretty snug wearing pj's :o)

Awww finally .. this is Daddy holding Connor. Connor settled right down for a nice little nap on Daddys chest. Congrats Daddy on cuddling with your baby burrito :o)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Connor is now back on his feedings . He is loving every bit of it.

Daddy and Mommy were surprised yesterday when they arrived to see both boys wearing jammies :o) The look so cute and of course Connor loves to be wearing jammies because he is that much more cozy.
Connor is also now on Big boy diapers. ( these are still smaller then newborn but bigger then the ones I posted a picture of when they were first born.)
Only Mommy and Daddy are visiting right now to keep the germs away from Connor and Jackson but also to keep those of us with little ones at home from bringing any germs home from the hospital.
All is well in Camp Baxter so lets keep up the prayers for these two little angels :o)

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Jackson and Connor are 1 month old today!! WOW seems like time has just flown by,i am sure Mom and Dad have a different take on that :o)

Jackson has graduated to big boy diapers and a big boy soother. :o) Yay!! Way to grow big boy.
Connor is starting feeds again slowly.

London Free Press Saturday June 23

London's only neonatal intensive care unit remained closed today after an outbreak of respiratory illness.
But a good scrubbing at the unit at St. Joseph's hospital has opened up room for any expectant mothers who show up on the doorstep about to give birth prematurely.
"If someone comes in unexpectedly, we will do our best," Dr. Henry Roukema, medical director of the unit, said yesterday.
The seven babies who tested positive for parainfluenza type 3 or respiratory syncytial virus -- or in some cases both -- are all doing better, he said.
"They are getting off the ventilators."
No other babies are showing signs of the lung infections.
Signs of an outbreak surfaced Monday, when two infants released from the unit needed more oxygen than before.
Those two babies and two more who had shared a room with them were tested. All four had viral respiratory illnesses.
All the 35 babies in the unit were tested and another three tested positive.
The infections are common in young children and the virus is making the rounds in London, Roukema said.
The infections do little harm to healthy young children, but can cause serious complications such as pneumonia in premature or unwell babies.
"We really want to make sure we contain it," Roukema said.
That means only parents or primary caregivers will be allowed to visit babies in the unit until the infections are under control, he said.
The infected infants are being kept apart from the others.
By doubling up the other infants and sanitizing some rooms, the hospital has created space for any new babies, Roukema said.
Hospital officials will assess the status of the unit day by day, he said.

Both boys are testing negative these viruses. :o)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Outbreak at NICU

Connor and Jackson do not have this virus. They were immunized (yesterday) against the virus that is going through the NICU here in Londons St. Joes NICU. The immunization is not 100% but should provide some pretection to the boys if they get this virus.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Way to grow Jackson and Connor . Mommy gave me the heads up today. Connor weighs 2 lbs 5 ounces and Jackson a whopping 3 lbs 9 ounces ,( part of Jacksons is water weight but they say he is likely around 3 lbs.) Way to Grow boys !!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good news to report tonight . Both Connor and Jackson are off the antibiotics. They have both been switched to the less invasive ventilator because they are breathing easier now that their little bodies are not fighting the infections any more.
Mommy continues to care for her little angels by changing diapers and swabbing their little mouths out. Yes even at this young age Mommy is taking care of the teeth to come :o)
The hope is that within the next few days the boys will be starting on their feedings again. Then we will just hopefully be adding up the ounces as they start to gain lots of weight. Both boys started off their lives with a weight that was more then most preemies born at 25 weeks, lets just stick to that trend and before you know it they will be eating Daddys supper. ;o)
I can't wait to hold them to show them my love but in the mean time I am showing my love with prayers and lots of happy grow strong thoughts for my 2 little Nephews . I am so proud to be Aunt Tanya to these special guys . :o)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


If you look to your right I have added a guestbook to the blog. It was Daces idea to get an idea of the peole who are checking in to this blog each day. Once the boys are home my intention is to have this whole blog printed off as a great keepsake for Dace, Rhonda , Connor and Jackson. Signing the guestbook is a great way to show you support . :o)
Again today there is no news to report. The boys are both still on antibiotics and they are going to try to start feeding Connor again later this week. Jackson is going to have an x ray of his bowels and intestines and once that is done they will see about starting his feedings again too. The boys both are getting the nutrients they need through IV right now but it will be great to get them back on to Mommys milk in their tummies. Mom continues to spend a large part of each day visiting with her two little miracles and Dad is a frequent visitor when he is not working. Connor and Jackson must be so comforted by hearing the voices of the people who love them. Keep up the prayers and happy thoughts.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Both boys are stable and still fighting the infection. The antibiotics take about 7- 10 days to clear up the infectin so they should start feeling better soon. When babies are this small it is hard for them to fight infections that is why they are both back on the venilators. It is good that they are both holding strong right now. Keep up the prayers :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There is really nothing new to post about. Both boys are stable and holding their own right now. We just have to wait for the antibiotics to do there thing.

Dace and I were talking about the number of people who check this blog instead of phoning and Dace was saying that they are so thankful for the thoughts and prayers they have been getting. And they appreciate not having to call a ton of people each day to give updates. They know that everyone is pulling for their family. :o)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The boys are having a bit of a hard time right now and some extra prayers and thoughts would be good.

Jackson is on antibiotics for a straph infectin and seems to be fighting it off ok, he will be having some testing done today to see if he has any narrowing of hisbowels or intestines, He is retaining some fluid and is swollen.

Connor is also fighting an infection and was started on antibiotics yesterday. He is back on the ventilartor so that he can use his energy to fight the infection instead of using his strength to breath.

Mom and Dad are thankful for all the support they have been getting.

I will post updates as soon as I get them , but it will likely be tomorrow before there is anything new to update with. Keep up the prayers for these two special boys.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

This is a picture of Connor on the Alladin machine that helps create positive presure to help him breath on his own. It looks pretty serious but in fact is a really great step for Connor. Keep up the good growning baby burrito :o)
First off both boys are now above their birth weight , and today for 1 1/2 hours Mommy was able to hold Connor in a Kangaroo hold, this means skin to skin. It is proven to be a very good bonding and strengthening experience for both parents and babies. This is a great big jump forward for Connor. :o) Jckson is still working on his breathing but hopefully soon he too will be doing th Kangaroo hold with Mom and Dad too.
I have a great update . I will post it later ..... stay tuned :o)

This is a picture of Daddys hand on Connor, It really gives an idea of how little he is next to Daddy.

This is Daddys hand on Jackson.

Jackson peeking out at the great big world around him . He sure seems curious about what is going on out here.

This is Jackson all curled up on his belly. Looking good big guy :o)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Connor is doing very well , they have upped the amount that he is eating and he is breathing on his own .... This is Great News!! Keep on eating and growing little baby burrito :o)

Jackson is still taking his time learning to tolerate Mommys milk. He is getting stronger each day. Keep on growing Little buddy :o)

Pictures to follow tomorrow as promised by Daddy....

These boys are such fighters it is amazing to see that they are growing and changing daily.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

All is quiet at the Baxter Camp today.... New pictures to come tomorrow. :o) Keep up those prayers ...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

All is quiet in the NICU today. Mommy and Daddy spent lots of time with Connor and Jackson today. The boys love to hear Mommy and Daddies voices .
I wanted to go visit them today to read them the new book I got for them. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I thought maybe I might be coming down with a cold. Visitors are not welcome if they even have a hint of anything ...... I am hoping that this passes so I can go share my love of reading with my nephews :o) I love the way that sounds :o)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So Content , So Loved , So Sleepy
" Is that you Mommy?"
" Ahhhh yes"
"I love you"
Good News tonight Jackson is tolerating his feedings every 4 hours and Connor is back to every 2 hours . I have a couple of pictures of Jackson, but due to technical difficulties :o) (camera did not work right) we don't have any of Connor today . Both boys are doing very well and Connor is recovering even faster then Jackson did from his surgery. Well wishes and prayers are much appreciated .
Mommy held Jackson so the nurses could change him to a different incubator, What a great moment for Mommy and Jackson. :o) Dace is going to send me some new pictures soon. I can't beleive they are 2 weeks old , time seems to either fly by or crawl at a snails pace. It seems as though these two little guys have always been a part of our family. They must sense the love that they get from Mommy and Daddys loving touch and words. Dace and Rhonda are doing such a great job being Mom and Dad to Jackson and Connor. Keep up the good job Baxter family.


All is well in the Baxter Camp for the last couple of days Connor is back on feeding every 4 hours. They tryed to feed Jackson his belly is not ready for Mommy's milk yet , Hopefully in the next couple of days though. We will give more updates soon . Remember no news is GOOD NEWS. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishies.

Talk to ya Soon, Daddy Dace

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Things are looking good, Yesterday Mom changed Jacksons diaper, It is these little normal things that are making Mom and Dad very happy. Jackson is almost off all of the pain medications since his heart valve surgery. He was peeking at Mom and Dad. There is talk of starting Jackson on some feedings soon, since he is doing so well.

Connor is still recovering from his surgery but is a little fighter and they are hoping to have him back on his feedings any time now.

Each time I get an update from Dace I am amazed by the fight these two little guys are fighting. Every little thing is such a big thing. They are so tiny but their will to live and the love that they receive from their Mommy and Daddy are helping each day to bring them closer to coming home.They will likely be in the hospital until they reach the age where they are considered "full term" that is about the end of August early September.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Connor came throught his surgery fine today. His valve was more opened then Jacksons and they had to use the bigger clip .It will take him a few days to recover but the hard part is over. Keep the prayers coming. We are counting on a miracle here :o)