Friday, May 25, 2007

On Wednesday May 23 2007 Connor Allen 1lb 13oz 14 inches born at 4:59am and Jackson John 2lbs 1oz 14 1/4 inches made their entrance into this world by C-section,

Their current residence is St. Josephs hospital NICU , Apparently the Dr has told Dad that these two boy are the least of his worries because they are doing so well,

Jackson is breathing oxygen on his own ( AMAZING!!) He seems to have a heart valve murmer and the Dr's are going to try and treat it with medication, and monitor it.This is quite common and 70% of preemies have this .I am proud to say that Jackson does seem to have the Baxter BIG TOE :o) Jackson seems to think he wants to suck his little thumb and was trying to get it into his mouth, the NICU nurses are looking for a soother small enough for him. This is another good sign since preemies often do not have the sucking reflex. Way to go Jackson.

Connor is still on the ventilator but was off of it for a while on Wednesday(23) he is a cutie who has lots of dark hair and eye brows. He has the most long graceful fingers. He was pretty squirmy when I seen him on Thursday(24) Connor had a chest x-ray and is being given some more of the medicatoin to help strengthen his lungs, This is another common thing amongst preemies. I'm not 100% sure but I do think that maybe Connor also has the BIG TOE , we will know more once he starts to show his toes off, Mommy thinks that maybe he is just too embarassed to show us. :o)

Mom is doing well and is up and about. She looks amazing considering what she has been through. Both Mom and Dad are taking things in stride and staying strong for their boys. These are some lucky boys to have such a strong loving family surrounding them. Keep up the good work Mom and Dad.

Dace and Rhonda would like to thank everyone for all of their support.

I will be updating this Blog every couple of days and you can leave comments and messages on here for Dace and Rhonda to see.


Veronica said...

Dace and Rhonda Congratulations on the little ones Connor & Jackson are very cute. Our thoughts prayers are with you and if there is anything that you need that we can help with please feel free to ask. Love Veronica & Mike

Anonymous said...

Dace and Rhonda,
We want you to know that you and your family are in our prayers. We have been checking this website a couple times a day to see how things are going and thus far it sounds good. We're happy to hear that Connor is doing well with is feedings, and Jackson is off his medication for his blood pressure, all good signs.

Nicole said...

Dace & Rhonda Connor & Jackson :)

This is a great site to check in on the updates of your handsome baby boys ~ We are here for all of you at anytime you need us ~ our prayers and thoughts are with you both and Connor and Jackson ~(Dominic is so excited to meet his new platmates/neighbours) , we love you all very much~

Rui & Nicole
Dominic & Luke