Saturday, August 4, 2007

Connor and Jackson are keeping Mommy and Daddy busy tonight with baths for both boys. Connor once again has pooped up his back, ( he is very good at spreading his poop around) Jackson had a poop yesterday but he tends to keep it together in his diaper. I wonder if this is going to be an indication of the kind of little kids these boys are going to be. I have to say Daces nickname for years was "mud ball" he used to eat rocks and dirt. Our Mom used to tell the story of her digging a handful of rocks out of Daces mouth as he screamed about her taking them away. He has been known to eat a worm or two also. :)
Jackson is still not on feeds he is going to be given another feed on Tuesday to see how he does. He continues to outgrow some of his newborn preemie sleepers.
Connor has decided he really is not crazy about the bottle and would prefer to just be fed through his feeding tube, so Mom and Dad are just waiting it out and trying to coax him back to bottle feedings.
Contrary to the feeding issues both boys are growing stronger and bigger everyday. Keep up the prayers for these little miracles. :o)

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