Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Small baby steps for Jackson , he is still not tolerating his feedings and they are waiting for his bowels to heal and for his tummy to be ready to take food again. What they do is feed him a small amount of breast milk through his feeding tube and then about 3 hours later they use the feeding tube to check and see if there is anything in his tummy. After 3 hours there should not be any food there because it should be digested and on its way into the bowels. Jackson's food is not digesting. He had an ultrasound today and from what Daddy told me Jackson just needs a little more time and then he will be eating like the champ he is. HE now weighs 5 lbs 13 oz and his swelling is down.
Connor continues to grow and eat and the Dr's say there is not much to say about him, He is just passing the time learning to perfect his eating, swallowing, breathing. He is doing great. HE now weighs 5lbs 3 oz.

Keep those prayers coming, Dace and Rhonda are really pulling through this for their sons , I can' t wait for he day when they say good bye to the NICU and hello to their new lives at home . :o)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cutie Connor

What a Cutie posing for a keeper pic.

Jackson on the plastic BOOB

Jackson going to town , wondering when something is gonna come from all this sucking.

Daddy,s First with the Big Boys

l am loving every bit of this l was ready to stand up and run out the joint with the both of them "Escape form NICU starring Jackson & Connor"

Mommy and the Boys

Mom's First Picture with the Boys. l don't know who is happier here the boys or Mommy

Friday, July 27, 2007

Connor and Jackson continue to grow....

Last night was Daddy's treat, he went up in time to feed Connor his bottle.Connor has really taken to bottle feeding and learning the rhythm of suck, swallow, breathe. What a smart guy he is:o) Connor weighs in at about 4lbs 13 oz.

Jackson is still not on complete feedings , but is instead on a continuous feed where he is given a tiny tiny bit of breast milk through the feeding tube over a long period of time. This is to help prepare his little tummy to accept breast milk.Even though he is not eating he is still growing and is even wearing some newborn sleepers. He weighs in at 5 lbs 14 oz. Way to Grow Jackson!!

Mommy and Daddy are really enjoying being able to just scoop the boys up out of their cots. It is so nice to be able to have a cuddle without needing a nurse to help get the baby out of bed. :o)

Lots of baby steps will soon bring these two special little guys home. :o) :o)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Jackson and Connor celebrated their 2 month birthday with Mommy and Daddy yesterday. Jackson had a nice long cuddle with Daddy and snuggled himself up under Daddy's chin. Connor celebrated by being fed his first ever bottle from Mommy. He figured it out pretty well and has been doing very well with it since then too. It is hard work fro a baby this small to learn how to eat, breath and swallow all at the same time. Keep up the good work Connor.

Jackson is still healing and getting ready to start his feedings . He will need to be on full ( feeding tube) feedings before they will introduce a bottle to him. However Jackson loves his soother and that is a good start to learning to bottle feed.

Keep growing boys, each day is one day closer to coming home . Everyone LOVES you so much..... :o) xoxoxo :o)

Friday, July 20, 2007


Jackson is doing great so far . he is on low flow air which is the same as his brother . He is also out of his isolate and in a Cot like his brother . Jackson is off all of the meds post surgery, he is peeing up a storm so he has lost most of his puffiness. They are hoping to start feeding in small amounts next week. Rhonda and I are very proud of him for being able to recover this soon after a tough surgery.
Good News tonight . Jackson has now joined Connor is the normal newborn bassinet. He really was too big for his other bed. And Both boys have now been moved to the "new" room. It is still in the NICU but is for less seriously premature little ones. Since they are both doing so well they do not need to be kept in the BIG room . There is only 4 other babies in the room they are in and Mommy and Daddy are enjoying being able to pick up and love their little/big guys as much as they want.

Daddy told me tonight that now that Connor is not in his isolet everyone knows when he poops. They can all smell him :o) Now we know for sure he is related to Dace ....hehehe.

Jackson is doing so well he is on the low flow ventilator and the nurses have told Daddy that he is obviously feeling much better since his surgery. Now to just get those feedings started. Looks like the middle of next week for that.

Keep up the growing Jackson and Connor.


Connor & Jackson have moved out of the big room at the NICU in to a smaller room near the door . This may not sound like much to all of you but this means they are taking a big step forward to coming home . All the nurses and Doctors says the closer you get to the door the closer you are to going home . Well it was the back room yesterday and the room next to the front door today. So ~~~GOOD NEWS~~~

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Connor tonight in his new bed !!!!!!!!!

Connor in his new bed easy access for Mommy & Daddy . He is getting extra kisses all we have to do is bend over and kiss away .

Jackson Day Before Surgery

Having a snooze with daddy :)

Jackson Day Before Surgery

Jackson all rested up the day before his surgery. Looking good , he is a little puffy now after his surgery but is peeing alot which will help him get back to normal. We are told by the Doctors that this is normal after surgery.

New Pictures Connor

This is Connor the day before Jackson's surgery it looks like he is making his first prayer. l wonder what he is praying for? l think l know!!!
Jackson continues to improve after his surgery and is holding his own..... He just needs to get past this and start catching up to Connor with his feedings ... Hurry up Jackson before Connor empties the freezer :o) I should add that Jackson now weighs over 5 lbs!!

Connor tips the scales at 4lbs 1 oz and because he is such a big healthy guy he has been moved into a regular newborn bassinet !!! These are reserved for babies over 4 lbs . The whole world is a brighter noisier place for Connor since moving . There is no plastic incubator to muffle the sounds and there is no cozy quilt covering the top of his bed anymore. So bright lights for this little guy. BEing in this bassinet allows Mommy and Daddy easy access to Connor. :o) Hopefully Jackson will be joining him soon.

Daddy has promised some pictures later tonight so look for them.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I just talked to Rhonda and Jackson came through his surgery great. There was a narrowing in a part of his bowel that was not related at all to his previous surgery . The Dr. cut out that portion of his bowel. He handled the surgery well and is recovering as I type. This little guy is a fighter. From here on out all he needs to do is just keep on growing at last weigh in he was just over 5 Lbs !!!!! Wow what a big guy and Connor is not far behind at almost 4 lbs!! I will update more as these guys continue to grow and thrive. Keep up the good work Mommy and Daddy.

Friday, July 13, 2007

YAY!! I finally got to go visit again..... Mommy was having a cuddle with Jackson when I got there. He is such a little chunker :o) and just oh so so cute. I touched his cheek and told him how much I loved him. Rhonda is such a natural Mother it looks like she has been holding babies forever.
Connor was napping when I got there but quickly made some funny adorable faces when he heard me telling him how good lookng he was. HE was trying to escape from his isolet by squriming over to the opening.
Both boys are wearing preemie jammies now and it seems that Jackson will be outgrowing them soon :0

Connor is still doing really well on his feedings and is just growing strong and steady. Keep up the good work Connor , Mommy and Daddy.
Jackson is still retaining some fluid and is having another bowel surgery at 8 am Monday morning. The surgery is to find out if he does in fact have a blockage or scar tissue in his bowel and this could be causing him to have trouble getting the pooper working well. Prayers are always welcome,

I am so proud to call these two beautiful boys my nephews. I can't believe that my Brother is a Daddy. I am proud of Dace and Rhonda for the amazing love they have created. They are going to have such a wonderful full life . I can't wait to be in on the fun Jackson and Connor are going to bring into every ones lives. :o)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New digs

Conner in his new outfit looks great. Plenty of room for filling them out. Connor says "double up on the milk mommy" . The tube in his mouth is for feeding its does not bother him , just looks it.

Connor's found a new toy

Conner found a new toy, his thumb he was sucking away on it last night when we got there . Yum Yum !!! Check his cute hat Mommy got him.

New Pictures

Jackson out growing his bed what will he do when he really gets on Mommy's milk. He will need some new living accommodations.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tonight Daddy was the lucky one He got to Kangaroo (skin to skin) with Jackson for the first time. :o) Jackson is over 4 lbs now!! What a big guy he is. Today Mommy informed me that Jackson has had 3 poops !!! Finally things seem to be moving in the right direction for his poor little pooper. Keep up the pooping Jackson :o)
Connor is doing great and tonight had a full bath in a bath tub and seemed to settle in to the water like he has been doing this forever, Either that or he was just being a good guy for his Mommy. Connor is pretty much breathing on his own. He is still eating like a champ and is trying his best to empty the freezer of Mommies milk.

Both boys seem to be thriving on the love and support they are getting from Mommy and Daddy. I am sure the prayers have been doing some great things too.

Pictures to follow of Jackson and Daddy cuddling tomorrow.

Keep up the growing boys. Love you :o)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Canada Day !!!!!

Hello Everyone ,
Mommy was up to see the boys on Sunday . She Snuggled with Connor for 2 hours and held Jackson for an hour aswell. They were taking it all in all 3 of them. Connor's feeds are going well and is now on the Aladdin which is a great step foward for him. They also took him off the Aladdin and put him on the nose prongs just giving him oxygen for a couple of hours they call this sprinting, this is one step away from going solo. Jackson is still feeding and all his numbers are good he is still a little puffy but they think this will correct itself with more feedings from Mommy . So Sunday was a very good day !!!!!!!

Mommy and Connor Quite time together

Snuggle Time!!!!!!

Bath time @ Baxter Camp

Connor after he Crapped up and down his back, this is his first full bath he does not seem to be liking it very much by the look he is give Mommy and the nurse. NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR HIM

Jackson in his Canada Day Bedding the hat must go though.

Looking a little puffy, But feeling good.

Connor on Sunday

Connor singing O' Canada, in his Canada Digs
Jackson and Connor are both doing well and Mommy and Daddy have taken a much deserved night off and gone to the cottage for the night. Have a great night Mommy and Daddy. Sleep tight Connor and Jackson. Enjoy your swim Brady.:o)