Monday, August 13, 2007

These two boys made my day. :o)

Today I went up to visit and I finally got to hold Connor. They have grown and changed so much since my last visit. I am such a proud Aunt.

Connor is back to his bottle feedings and is learning each day. He now weighs 6 lbs 4 oz. Keep up the good work. "King of the Pond" (Connors NICU nick name)

Jackson is scheduled to have his surgery on Monday the 20th. He is weighing in at 6 lbs 15 oz.
Jackson is quite the cuddle bug and loves to be held by Mommy and Daddy and even gets a midnight cuddle from one of his special NICU nurses. Jackson's NICU nickname is King of the Jungle :o)

Both boys are starting to outgrow their preemie clothes. :o)

I am so excited to have been able to hold Connor today It made my day to see them both. I can't believe how much they change and grow, It really is a miracle to see how far they both have come.
I am so thankful to the Nurses of the NICU they are loving my nephews 24/7 and making such a huge difference in the lives of all the people who love Jackson and Connor. I can't thank them enough for all that they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright guys...I hate to be the bearer of bad news but these boys are starting to look quite a bit alike. The bad news is, they are Dace's little Minnie Me's!!!!! haha.
Wow, they look just like their daddy. I can't wait to see them today...maybe even a little holding, fingers crossed.
Love Angie, Jamy and Darius