Saturday, May 26, 2007

Connor is going to be getting some more feedings to see if he can tolerate Mommies milk better now. This is a great sign. Keep up the good work Connor . :o)
Jackson was given a blood transfusion because his blood pressure was too low and this has helped a lot and he is now off of the blood pressure medication. Jackson was given a scan of his brain to check for bleeding and the results will be in on Monday. He is holding his own and stable right now. Some good thoughts and prayers to help him continue to grow strong would be great. He has come out of the anisthetic completely and is moving around and showing off that Baxter BIG TOE!! Way to go Jackson ;o)


Anonymous said...

John said...
Dace and Rhonda,
We want you to know that you and your family are in our prayers. We have been checking this website a couple times a day to see how things are going and thus far it sounds good. We're happy to hear that Connor is doing well with is feedings, and Jackson is off his medication for his blood pressure, all good signs.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate these lives! Such beautiful boys!