Saturday, May 26, 2007

Today Rhonda was discharged from the hospital. She is feeling very good and will be settling into a routine of visiting Connor and Jackson.

Dace was checking things out and he likes the idea of everyone being able to be updated throught this site instead of making a ton of phone calls every evening to fill everyone in.

Be sure to leave a comment for Dace and Rhonda to see. I know they are very happy with all the support they have been getting .

1 comment:

NatJac's Mom said...

Congratulations Dace and Rhonda!! I LOVE the names that you have chosen for your boys. Sending lots of strength vibes your way to get through these next few days, months and weeks.

Aunt Tanya, I think your doing a great job with this blog. :) Congratulations on becoming an Aunt.
