Monday, July 16, 2007


I just talked to Rhonda and Jackson came through his surgery great. There was a narrowing in a part of his bowel that was not related at all to his previous surgery . The Dr. cut out that portion of his bowel. He handled the surgery well and is recovering as I type. This little guy is a fighter. From here on out all he needs to do is just keep on growing at last weigh in he was just over 5 Lbs !!!!! Wow what a big guy and Connor is not far behind at almost 4 lbs!! I will update more as these guys continue to grow and thrive. Keep up the good work Mommy and Daddy.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the great news that Jacksons surgery went well!
Keep growing you two and it won't be long before mommy and daddy can take you home!!! :)

Hugs & Kisses
Love Tracie (&Dirk)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I am so glad to hear that Jackson's surgery went well (as I knew it would). Both boys are tough little guys and I know they will fight through every obstacle thrown at them. I hope you two are holding up well and taking in all the love being sent. I can't wait to see you and the boys real soon.
Love Angie, Darius and Jamy