Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Jackson and Connor celebrated their 2 month birthday with Mommy and Daddy yesterday. Jackson had a nice long cuddle with Daddy and snuggled himself up under Daddy's chin. Connor celebrated by being fed his first ever bottle from Mommy. He figured it out pretty well and has been doing very well with it since then too. It is hard work fro a baby this small to learn how to eat, breath and swallow all at the same time. Keep up the good work Connor.

Jackson is still healing and getting ready to start his feedings . He will need to be on full ( feeding tube) feedings before they will introduce a bottle to him. However Jackson loves his soother and that is a good start to learning to bottle feed.

Keep growing boys, each day is one day closer to coming home . Everyone LOVES you so much..... :o) xoxoxo :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 9 WEEKS BOYS!!!!! You have been fighting for every last minute and have worked toward all the healthy and happy times ahead! You are well on your way to coming home with Mommy and Daddy soon. We are all waiting for those magic words from your parents mouth. Keep smiling guys.
Love Ang, Jamy and Darius xoxoxoxo