Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jackson continues to improve after his surgery and is holding his own..... He just needs to get past this and start catching up to Connor with his feedings ... Hurry up Jackson before Connor empties the freezer :o) I should add that Jackson now weighs over 5 lbs!!

Connor tips the scales at 4lbs 1 oz and because he is such a big healthy guy he has been moved into a regular newborn bassinet !!! These are reserved for babies over 4 lbs . The whole world is a brighter noisier place for Connor since moving . There is no plastic incubator to muffle the sounds and there is no cozy quilt covering the top of his bed anymore. So bright lights for this little guy. BEing in this bassinet allows Mommy and Daddy easy access to Connor. :o) Hopefully Jackson will be joining him soon.

Daddy has promised some pictures later tonight so look for them.

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