Friday, July 13, 2007

YAY!! I finally got to go visit again..... Mommy was having a cuddle with Jackson when I got there. He is such a little chunker :o) and just oh so so cute. I touched his cheek and told him how much I loved him. Rhonda is such a natural Mother it looks like she has been holding babies forever.
Connor was napping when I got there but quickly made some funny adorable faces when he heard me telling him how good lookng he was. HE was trying to escape from his isolet by squriming over to the opening.
Both boys are wearing preemie jammies now and it seems that Jackson will be outgrowing them soon :0

Connor is still doing really well on his feedings and is just growing strong and steady. Keep up the good work Connor , Mommy and Daddy.
Jackson is still retaining some fluid and is having another bowel surgery at 8 am Monday morning. The surgery is to find out if he does in fact have a blockage or scar tissue in his bowel and this could be causing him to have trouble getting the pooper working well. Prayers are always welcome,

I am so proud to call these two beautiful boys my nephews. I can't believe that my Brother is a Daddy. I am proud of Dace and Rhonda for the amazing love they have created. They are going to have such a wonderful full life . I can't wait to be in on the fun Jackson and Connor are going to bring into every ones lives. :o)

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