Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Small baby steps for Jackson , he is still not tolerating his feedings and they are waiting for his bowels to heal and for his tummy to be ready to take food again. What they do is feed him a small amount of breast milk through his feeding tube and then about 3 hours later they use the feeding tube to check and see if there is anything in his tummy. After 3 hours there should not be any food there because it should be digested and on its way into the bowels. Jackson's food is not digesting. He had an ultrasound today and from what Daddy told me Jackson just needs a little more time and then he will be eating like the champ he is. HE now weighs 5 lbs 13 oz and his swelling is down.
Connor continues to grow and eat and the Dr's say there is not much to say about him, He is just passing the time learning to perfect his eating, swallowing, breathing. He is doing great. HE now weighs 5lbs 3 oz.

Keep those prayers coming, Dace and Rhonda are really pulling through this for their sons , I can' t wait for he day when they say good bye to the NICU and hello to their new lives at home . :o)

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