Friday, July 27, 2007

Connor and Jackson continue to grow....

Last night was Daddy's treat, he went up in time to feed Connor his bottle.Connor has really taken to bottle feeding and learning the rhythm of suck, swallow, breathe. What a smart guy he is:o) Connor weighs in at about 4lbs 13 oz.

Jackson is still not on complete feedings , but is instead on a continuous feed where he is given a tiny tiny bit of breast milk through the feeding tube over a long period of time. This is to help prepare his little tummy to accept breast milk.Even though he is not eating he is still growing and is even wearing some newborn sleepers. He weighs in at 5 lbs 14 oz. Way to Grow Jackson!!

Mommy and Daddy are really enjoying being able to just scoop the boys up out of their cots. It is so nice to be able to have a cuddle without needing a nurse to help get the baby out of bed. :o)

Lots of baby steps will soon bring these two special little guys home. :o) :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so happy to hear about all the weight gaining for the boys. So happy to hear the good news.
Can't wait to see them.
Thinking of you all.

Mindy & Wade
(Egypt & Takeo)